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How to read an Auction Sheet

  Below is a Sample Auction Sheet for NIKON S3 Year 2000 Anniversary version.
  You can study and understand how to read an auction sheet.
Understanding Yahoo Auctions Sheet & Tips for successful bidding
  Let us break the top portion of the page into 4.
Auction Item Name & Specified Subcategory
Auction Item Name:

This is the Auction name and an essential portion of the auction page because it's used for indexing items in the specified auction category and used as keywords when searching items. The maximum length is 30 Japanese letters or equivalent to 30 Japanese letters. Many sellers put as many attracting keywords as possible.
The Auction Information
Auction sheet3
Current Price
Bid Unit
1 to 999
1000 to 4999
5000 to 9999
10000 to 49999
50000 or greater
Current Bid: Current bid.

Remaining time: Remaining time. The meanings of Japanese character are as follows.
"日" is a Day or Days.
"時間" is an hour or hours.
"分" is a minute or minutes.

Numbers of bids: It shows cumulative numbers of bids placed for the auction item.

Starting price: Start price.

Highest bid: If there is a bid, the highest bidder's ID appears.

Starting Date: Starting date. 1月17日 22時19分 is Jan. 17 22:19 JPT

Ending Date: Ending date. 1月24日 22時19分 is Jan. 24 22:19 JPT

Bid limitation: If a bidder's cumulative evaluation is in a negative number, his bid will be rejected.

Early end: "あり" means yes. "なし" means no.

Extended time: Ending time is extended by 5 minuites when someone places another bid in the last 5 minuites.
"あり" means yes. "なし" means no.6

Auction ID: It is the auction ID.

Condition: "新品" is New product. "中古" is Used. "その他" is other, please refer coments of the auction.

Return policy: "返品可" is returnable. "返品不可" is Not returnable.

Bid unit: It is a Bid unit. A unit varies depending on the bid price range at the moment. See left table.

The seller's Information
Seller ID:
The seller's ID.

The seller's evaluations of the past transactions. You can see how well and how smoothly the seller has taken care of the past auction dealings. Pay attention to bad evaluation and see why it was bad. For example, check if it was a seller's fault or bidder's, products are decent or shabby, and so on.

Same as Evaluation.

Inquire to the seller:

A link in order to ask the seller about more information of the auction item.

Other item of the seller:
If the seller is selling other items, the link page shows the items.

Payment method:
Payment methods the seller accepts.

Location of the seller.

Detailed Information
Sellers are allowed to put 3 pictures in this area. Pictures give you the conditions of the item by what it looks. This is very important information so please see carefully.

Explanation of item:
Sellers write detailed information of the item in this area. This area is one of the most important information of the auction page because it tells what is being auctioned. Sellers put information such as item's name, specifications, conditions, what is included, rules to deal with the seller, etc. Some sellers put more pictures in this area.

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